Grace Notes: June 12, 2024 – Rev. Kimberley Debus

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GRACE NOTESfrom Rev. Kimberley Debus FOLLOW-UP QUESTIONSThank you all for the wonderful questions offered at last week’s service. There were, of course, too many to answer in person, but the good news is that I’ve written or preached about many of them! So, as promised, here are some links that may offer some answers to …

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Grace Notes: March 20, 2024 – Rev. Kimberley Debus

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GRACE NOTESfrom Rev. Kimberley Debus This month we’ve been talking about envisioning – what is the future we seek? And more, how do we shift our thinking when things seem so terrible? As I was contemplating this question – and feeling pretty cynical, to be honest – I opened Facebook to find a post by …

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Grace Notes: February 21, 2024 – Rev. Kimberley Debus

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GRACE NOTESfrom Rev. Kimberley Debus For a few years now, I have watched as other ministers post warnings about fake emails or texts pretending to be them, asking for gift cards or some such, with concerns about hacking, safety, and often a rush to change passwords. I wondered why I wasn’t experiencing this – until …

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Grace Notes: Thu Dec 21, 2023 – Rev. Kimberley Debus

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As I write this on Thursday morning, I find myself singing “The Twelve Days of Christmas” – thanks in part to a Facebook post extolling the virtues of the version by John Denver and the Muppets. But the version I am singing does betray my age, because it is the version by SCTV characters Bob …

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Grace Notes: Thu Dec 7, 2023 – Rev. Kimberley Debus

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There’s a phrase we sometimes use in congregational settings: “moving at the speed of church.” At its worst, it indicates how change happens sometimes excruciatingly slowly; sometimes that’s because schedules by their nature slow things down, and sometimes because people create delays and roadblocks. At its best, however, it indicates the care and attention leaders …

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Grace Notes: Nov 11, 2023 – Rev. Kimberley Debus

Rev Kimberley Debus

Here we are again, facing a great deal of uncertainty, horror, and frustration. The world just isn’t letting up, and again we are wondering what the other shoe is that’s going to drop – because we have pretty good proof that it is. (Whoever is in charge of that metaphor must be a cobbler, because …

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Grace Notes: Oct 10, 2023 – Rev. Kimberley Debus

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Beloveds, I have written no less than fifteen almost-sentences to begin this message, and none have quite worked as intriguing or gentle entries into our topic today – which I am taking (finally) as a sign that it’s time for bluntness. Anti-semitism is alive and well and living in the world – both around the …

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GRACE NOTES: Sep 27, 2023 – Rev. Kimberley Debus

Rev Kimberley Debus

Curiosity is on my mind this week. I remember as a child, whenever a question came up at the dinner table – about history, or science, or art, or just about anything that wasn’t “how was school today?” – my father would send me to the book-lined living room with the words “go look it …

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