The auction is the largest fundraising effort outside of the annual canvass. Cocktails and dinner are included in the ticket price and there are opportunities to bid on items of various values. Guests may bid $5 for handmade note paper or $1,000 for a stay at a vacation home.
Janet Bear
Anne Majsak
Board of Trustees
Our board is elected by the congregation at our annual meeting. It is an important part of our governance process and regularly reports issues and decisions to the congregation.
Creighton Cray (Chair)
Terri Kung (Vice Chair)
Chris Kortlandt (Treasurer)
Nicky Klemens (Secretary)
Scott Damashek
Gail Johnston
Christine Haran
Building and Grounds
This committee is responsible for the evaluation and maintenance of our buildings and property. It tracks the lifecycle of equipment such as furnaces, windows, so expenses can be anticipated and planned.
Tim Lynch
Caring & Sharing Circle
This group provides support to members in times of crisis. These services can include transportation to doctor’s appointments, hospital/home visits, or greeting and serving refreshments at memorial services.
Julie Gans
Our choir brings their talents and joy to worship services and concerts throughout the year. The Music at CUUC concert series has been going strong for two decades.
Lisa Meyer
Committee on Ministry
This committee conducts periodic evaluations of topics important to helping CUUC fulfill its mission, sharing its conclusions and recommendations with the Board of Trustees and minister, as well as addressing – in a confidential manner – issues or conflicts concerning congregants brought its attention.
Al Rocchi, Chair
COVID Safety
This committee monitors developments in the public health threat posed by COVID, and updates CUUC policies for in-person gatherings in response.
Christian Force
Finance Committee
This committee provides general oversight of the finances of CUUC, investment of the congregation’s funds, input on the annual operating budget, and review of insurance matters as required.
Drew Swiss
Jane is the smiling face welcoming people to nearly every service and helping them get connected to CUUC.
Jane Dixon
Kitchen Crew/Meals for HOPE
Steve and Scott have led this important expression of our values for several years. Their work to organize and prepare meals for HOPE Community Services, Open Arms shelter, and others, as well as CUUC community events serves a vital need and allows everyone a chance to be involved.
Steve Miller
Scott Damashek
Membership/ Welcoming
Welcoming new people and reaching out to them after they come are important steps in encouraging them to return. This committee is developing a Path to Membership to guide people as they engage and connect with CUUC.
Mary Cavallero
Jane Dixon
Gail Johnston
Memorial Garden
The Jule Brown Sibley Memorial Garden is located on the hill north of the sanctuary. The garden and space was created to remember CUUC congregants who have passed and provide a place to inter congregant ashes. The garden contains a sculpture titled “Roots Hold Me Close, Wings Set Me Free” created by Elise Gray. Using funds generated from interment fees, the memorial garden is maintained by volunteers. They plant flowers and groundcovers that evolved in this region to support our local wildlife.
Eileen Macholl
Cynthia Roberts
Music Committee
The ministerial and music professionals on this committee select hymns to complement the weekly service themes. They work with the choir director and Kim Force on this effort.
Janet Bear
Adam Kent
Nominating and Leadership Development Committee
This committee’s annual task is developing a slate of candidates for the Board of Trustees. It also consults with the Board chair on filling its own open positions and on leadership development plans for the congregation.
Mary Cavallero
Our PlaceKeeping practitioners have tended the forest understory on our grounds for more than three decades. The first Saturday of every month is PlaceKeeping Saturday.
All members and friends of the CUUC Community are welcome to join the PlaceKeeping Practice by coming on a first Saturday, adopting a stretch of our path network, undertaking a Citizen Science project, or helping the RE program produce PlaceKeeping curriculum.
Bice Wilson
Reconciliation Support Team
Reconciliation refers to the process of restoring or transforming relationships, acknowledging and affirming our interconnectedness as we honor the responsibilities that come with participating in intentional community. We believe that it is possible to call each other more deeply into relationship without being punitive. A reconciliation approach affirms our commitment to being with each other in ways that affirm curiosity, liberation, and relationship, and centers the voices and experiences of those with historically marginalized identities as we aspire to live more fully into the values of our faith. Further, it is our aspiration that challenges to privilege or the status quo in our systems and culture be understood not as harm to the community, rather as an invitation for dialogue and deeper understanding. The Reconciliation Support Team provides guidance and support for individuals and groups within the congregation when there is discord, with the goal of generating constructive and satisfactory outcomes for those involved and for the larger congregational community.
Al Rocchi, Chair
Religious Exploration Council
The Religious Exploration Council organizes programs to prepare congregants of all ages to engage with the world as loving, curious, courageous individuals of conscience, living into our Unitarian Universalist values. We also nurture multigenerational community and connections.
Tracy Breneman,
Rentals provide income to CUUC to support our programs. Our primary tenant is the Montessori Preschool Program. Other tenants include the Hoff-Barthelson Music School, Westchester Community for Humanistic Judaism, and the Walkabout Clearwater Coffeehouse monthly concert series.
Tom Wacht
Science and Spirituality Group
The group’s goal is to provide a place for science and spirituality lovers to have stimulating discussions and explore the connection of our broadening scientific understanding and a deepening of our sense of awe and wonder at what we discover about the universe around and within us.
Norm Handelman
Tech Team Worship Support
The tech team provides A/V and remote streaming support for CUUC worship services, enabling us to use rich media as part of our worship, and provide access to those unable to attend in person.
Anthony Russell
Christian Force
The ushering group takes turns readying the sanctuary for worship each Sunday, facilitating services as needed, and closing up afterward. Through this work, the group hopes to “aid one another in our spiritual growth.”
Karen Leahy