
Rev. Cindy Davidson
Rev. Cindy Davidson

Sunday Worship Service

Sun Jul 28, 10:00am, “Journey to the Campground” ~ Rev. Cindy Davidson, guest worship leader

The journey towards a promised land and collective liberation always has a few stops along the way. As does the journey in today’s climate-changed world to an unseen future where all thrive. What wisdom can we receive from our time in the campgrounds we frequent along the way?

Rev. Cindy Davidson has served as the Executive Director of Massachusetts Interfaith Power & Light, Inc. since February 2022. She previously served the Fourth UU Congregation of Westchester and was co-ordained in 2016 by Fourth UU and Community UU Congregation, where she served as a ministerial intern. She is an Affiliated Community Minister with the Winchester (MA) Unitarian Society and has been a long-time member of First Parish in Lexington (UU) where she helped lead the Green Sanctuary committee. She believes in the restorative power of nature and in the creative potential of people of faith working together, within, and beyond their congregations, for environmental and climate justice.

Click here for the Sun Jul 28 Order of Service.

Our all-ages summer worship is in Fellowship Hall and livestreamed on Zoom. Families are invited to worship together. Childcare is available starting at 9:45am (K-12 Religious Exploration classes are on summer break).

To join the worship livestream, log in to: bit.ly/CUUC-Worship, or phone in (audio only): 646-876-9923. Webinar: 761 321 991, Passcode: 468468

Find videos of past worship services at our YouTube channel: youtube.com/@CUUCWP

Upcoming worship

Sun Aug 4, 10:00am: “Filled with Awe” ~ Rev. Emily DeTar-Birt, guest worship leader

When living in everyday life, it can feel like spirituality and awe are things found only when you get a chance to take a break. But that isn’t true. As Unitarian Universalists, we are invited to look for awe in the place of our everyday life. Come and discover the awe waiting to emerge.

Rev. Emily DeTar Birt serves as the minister for the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Northern Westchester. Formerly, she was the minister for the Unitarian Church of Staten Island. She has worked as a Unitarian Universalist minister in the New York City area for more than ten years. She lives with her wife, Rev. Ashley DeTar Birt, the program director for NYUUJ, in their apartment in Marble Hill, Bronx.

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