We have two weekly newsletters to help you stay informed about community activities. All members and friends should subscribe to the e-Communitarian, which offers congregation-wide information. Those participating or interested in our Religious Exploration program for children, youth, and families should also subscribe to the RE News.
Please send information to be shared in the e-Communitarian to our communications administrator, Pam Parker. Send information to be shared in the RE News to Tracy Breneman.

To see recent issues of our weekly e‑Communitarian newsletter, click below:
02.09.2025 e-Communitarian
02.02.2025 e-Communitarian
01.26.2025 e-Communitarian
01.19.2025 e-Communitarian
Religious exploration (RE) News
A weekly email newsletter highlighting information of particular interest to families and RE leaders:
2/9/2025 RE News
2/2/2025 RE News
1/26/2025 RE News
1/19/2025 RE News
Subscribe to the e-Comm
Sign up for the e-Communitarian to stay in touch and receive general announcements about all that’s happening at our congregation.
Subscribe to RE News
Sign up for the Religious Exploration (RE) newsletter for additional information about family ministry.