From Our Minister – Rev. Danielle Lindstrom
I invite you to take a breath.
And another.
And one more, for good measure.
Have you had enough water to drink today? Please remember to keep drinking water.
At times when we are overwhelmed, anxious, concerned, or exhausted, the practice of breathing deeply and drinking water becomes even more important.
Please remember that the overwhelming news is part of the point. If we are kept spinning in circles, we cannot focus on the work to be done.
We cannot do everything. We can do something.
One thing we can do is to vote in the County Executive special election.

Early voting will be Saturday, February 1, 2025 – Sunday, February 9, 2025.
The Special Election for County Executive (Unexpired Term) will be February 11, 2025, 6 AM – 9 PM.
More information on where and how to vote can be found here:
Local elections matter as much as the presidential elections. Please take a moment to read about the candidates and plan to vote:
We are in this together. We are brought together by hope and held together by love.
I hope to see you on Sunday. It is always good to be together.
~ Rev. Danielle Lindstrom