From Our Minister – Rev. Danielle Lindstrom
If you have driven by the parsonage over the last two weeks, you may have noticed the buckets and little wooden roofs hanging from a few of the trees. Thank you to Dave Morkal for showing us how to tap the maple trees and collect the sap into buckets. Matthew spent the day boiling down the sap down into syrup. We had a family taste test and determined that it is indeed much better than what we bought from the store.

I am feeling a constant hum or white noise in the background. It’s a mixture of fear, anxiety, overwhelm, and a grim curiosity of what is going to happen next. While trying to balance what being informed looks like compared to doom scrolling or continuing to follow update after update. I don’t have an answer for what that balance is, but part of it is making space for small joys and places of connection.
Make space for simple joys, whether it’s the gift from the trees in the yard, or the days getting longer. Hold space for and with one another for grief of the moment, alongside the possibility that is each of us to share a counter narrative, that love is stronger than hate, that our neighbors have a place here, and we will continue to learn how to create the beloved community together.
If you are looking for ways to learn, connect, or have ideas on training, actions, articles addressing this political moment- please check out our CUUC Organizing to Respond document. We are adding new events/trainings/information almost daily. You can find a link to the document on the homepage of our website: and also here:
It is good to be together. Continue to scroll down for more ways to connect with our community – from journey groups to a new member class, adult RE, to justice conversations, to music collaboration and art, to helping in RE, to helping in the kitchen, there is a space for connection waiting for you.
~ Rev. Danielle Lindstrom