From Our Minister – Rev. Danielle Lindstrom
As we continue to be drawn in one hundred different directions by the actions of the current administration, I would like to share a moment of hope. Remember that distraction and overwhelm is a tactic. We are part of a larger coalition, from our congregation to the UUA, to our community partners, to the legislators we voted into office. Isolation and fear are powerful but love and connection are just as powerful. Remember, we are in this moment, this marathon together. It takes each of us doing what we can, when we can, where we can. Sometimes that means calling your representative, sometimes that means giving yourself space to rest. Each action matters. Each action builds on the next.

Our Unitarian Universalist Association joined a multifaith coalition in response to the decision to remove places of worship as “sensitive locations” in ICE policies.
From the article:
“The UUA is proud to join a multifaith coalition and the Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection (ICAP) in opposition to the rescission of ICE’s sensitive locations policy, which is a direct violation of the First Amendment and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. This decision directly interferes with our ability to fulfill our religious mandate and serve all our congregants equally and with the dignity they deserve. We don’t make this decision lightly, but this extreme action from the federal government challenges a foundation of our faith and threatens to shatter our consecrated spaces. Our faith compels us to act and protect our places of worship.”
If you are looking for some spiritual nourishment and joy, I invite you to come to service this Sunday. We will be enjoying time with our full congregation for the hour, a whole congregation worship! We will have some extra special musicians. It will be good to be together.
We are a member congregation of the Unitarian Universalist Association. This effort is on behalf of all Unitarian Universalists and our shared value of offering our sanctuaries as spaces for people who face oppression and violence. You are part of this! By being a part of our Unitarian Universalist Association, supporting our congregations and our movement, you are part of this justice effort. I hope you feel proud of your faith. I know I am!
Safety Reminder
If you enter the building during school hours, 8am-6pm, please make sure you are locking the door behind you. Even if you are just stopping by to pick something up or drop something off, it is important that the door remains locked. Part of our responsibility to our renters is to do what we can to keep the school as safe as possible. Locking the door is one way we support our relationship with the school!
Reminder from Covid Safety Team
Covid and flu rates increase during the winter months, so please stay home if you are feeling sick. We do have masks available if you need them. If you are sick, we ask that you stay home until:
- You have been fever-free for at least 24 hours;
- It has been 5 days since the start of symptoms; and
- If you test positive for Covid, please stay home for five days following the test.
Thank you!
~ Rev. Danielle Lindstrom